XCA1 - Model evaluation
This cross-cutting activity (XCA) will coordinates model evaluation across the different core themes (CTs). In particular, we will coordinate the evaluation of the new process parameterizations (CT1) and the new cross-component couplings (CT2) introduced into the project Earth System Models. We will ensure key new diagnostics developed in the project are implemented into ESMValTool, which will enablie these diagnostics to be used beyond ESM2025. Where possible, new evaluation methods, such as machine learning causal discovery techniques and the most up-to-date emergent constraints, will also be applied. The resulting information will guide the analysis of climate and Earth system feedbacks and the characterisation of model uncertainty conducted in CT3 and XCA3.
Our ultimate goal is to perform both process level evaluation (of the parameterizations developed in CT1) and a top-down evaluation of large-scale metrics of model performance. Our aim is to ensure the ESMs get “the right results for the right reasons”.

Improving processes realism in ESMs
WP1: Atmosphere processes
WP2: Land processes
WP3: Ocean, marine biogeochemistry and cryosphere processes
Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
WP5+WP5: Coupled CH4 cycle
WP6+WP7: Coupled Nitrogen cycle
WP8+WP9: Coupled Dynamical Ice sheets
Connecting with IAMs
WP10: Improving IAM-ESM land use representation
WP11+WP12: Improving reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle models
WP13: Assesment of robust climate mitigation options
Outreach, knowledge exchange and project management
WP14: Operationalisation of the Paris Agreement: Bringing policy and science together and sharing knoledge with the public
WP15: Education and vocational training
WP16: Project and data
WP17: Ethics requirements
Cross-cutting activity 1 - Model evaluation
XCA Leader
Klaus Zimmermann

Scientific programmer, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - Norrköping (Sweden)
I am a scientific programmer involved in the development of tools and platforms for benchmarking and assessing the performance of Earth system models at replicating modern observations. I am a lead contributor to the community model evaluation platform ESMValTool.
In ESM2025
I coordinate the work conducted in XCA1 and ensure that key new diagnostics developed in the project are implemented into ESMValTool.