The project team

Led by Météo France-CNRM, we are an interdisciplinary team of 21 partners from 7 countries across Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK) and Australia.

Our team is composed of Earth-system scientists and model developers, experts in machine learning and data-driven hybrid modelling, model evaluation and feedback analysis, as well as specialists in integrated assessment models, climate education and science-policy communication.

The consortium

The Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques is the research departement of Météo-France, the French national weather service. Within Météo-France, it conducts most of the research activities in weather forecasting, climate modelling, atmospheric chemistry and land-surface processes. The CNRM also coordinates the research and development carried out in other departments, from historical data rescue to numerical weather forecast, avalanche prediction or wave and storm surge forecasting.
MF-CNRM coordinates this project and is involved in most of its activities.

  • Lead Core Theme 4 (CT4) Outreach, knowledge exchange, project and data management
  • Lead Work Package 16 (WP16) Project and data management
  • Co-lead WP1 Atmosphere processes
  • Co-lead WP2 Land processes
  • Co-lead WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes

Expertise: Earth system modelling

The Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. is the German national research establishment for aeronautics, astronautics, and energy technology. Within ESM2025, DLR is represented by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (DLR-IPA) which has long-term experience in several research areas such as global Earth system modelling and evaluation, and the analysis of multi-model climate projections.

  • Co lead CT1 Improving processes realism in ESMs
    Scientific inputs to
  • WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models
  • XCA1 Model evaluation
  • XCA2 Coordinated and demonstration simulations
  • XCA3 Feedback and uncertainty analysis

Expertise: Model evaluation | Machine Learning | Feedback analysis

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is an international scientific institute that conducts policy-oriented research into issues too large or complex to be solved by a single country or academic discipline. This includes climate change, energy security, population growth, and sustainable development.

Scientific input to:

  • WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models
  • WP13 Assessment of robust and resilient climate action

Expertise: Integrated Assessment models | Reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle models




Imperial College London is a public research university on science, technology, medicine and business. The Grantham Institute, within Imperial College London, is the Imperial’s hub for climate change and the environment.  It promotes interdisciplinary work to address some of the greatest challenges facing society.

  • Co-leads CT3 Connecting with Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM)
  • Co-lead WP13 Assessment of robust and resilient climate action
  • Co-lead WP14 Operationalisation of the Paris Agreement: bringing policy and science together and sharing knowledge with the public

Expertise: Science-policy dialogue

The Meteorologisk Institutt is the national meteorological service in Norway. Its research department conducts research within numerical weather prediction, ocean modelling, remote sensing, air pollution, product development, instrumentation, climatology and climate research. It is also one of the main developers of the Norwegian Earth System model NorESM, providing up-to-date climate projection results to CMIP and IPCC. 

  • Co-lead WP4/5 Coupled CH4 cycle

Scientific input to:

  • WP1 Atmosphere processes
  • WP6/7 Coupled Nitrogen cycle
  • XCA1 Model evaluation
  • XCA2 Coordinated and demonstration simulations

Expertise: Earth system modelling

The Max Planck Society is a German research organization conducting basic research in the service of the general public in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Three of its institutes detailed below contribute to ESM2025, forming the MPG’s Earth System Research Partnership. The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology dedicated to fundamental climate research
  • Co-lead CT2 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
  • Co-lead WP10 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
Scientific input to:
  • WP2 Land processes
  • WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes
  • WP4/5 Coupled CH4 cycle
  • WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models
The Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry dedicated to biogeochemical Earth system science research Scientific input to:
  • WP2 Land processes
  • WP6/7 Coupled Nitrogen cycle
  • XCA3 Feedback and uncertainty analysis
The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry dedicated to multidisciplinary research at the interface between chemistry, physics, biology and geosciences
  • Scientific input to: WP4/5 Coupled CH4 cycle
Expertise: Earth system modelling | Machine learning-based modelling

The Office for Climate Education is a foundation promoting climate change education worldwide. It provides primary and secondary school teachers and teachers trainers with free interdisciplinary educational resources, as well as professional development opportunities and on-the-ground support. 

  • Lead WP15 Education and Vocational training

Expertise: Climate Education

The University of Exeter is one of UK’s leading universities. It is also a member of the Russell Group of UK research-intensive universities. The University of Exeter conducts interdisciplinary research on climate change and collaborates closely with the Met Office as a centre of expertise for global biogeochemical cycling and climate science.

  • Co-lead WP10 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components

Scientific input to:

  • WP2 Land processes
  • WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models
  • XCA1 Model evaluation
  • XCA3 Feedback and uncertainty analysis

Expertise: Earth system modelling (focus on land surface modelling)

The Universitetet i Bergen is a Norwegian university with seven faculties covering most traditional academic disciplines. Its Institute of Geophysics hosts the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and the Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit. Together they provide a national and international knowledge hub on climate and ocean sciences with particular emphasis on polar regions. The Bjerknes Centre is one of the key developers of the Norwegian Earth system model NorESM.

  • Co-lead WP6/7 Coupled Nitrogen cycle

Scientific input to:

  • WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes

Expertise: Earth system modelling

The University of Reading is a public research university.  It includes the Department of Meteorology and the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS), which is a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) centre with a very strong programme in climate modelling.

  • Co-lead WP8/9 Coupled Dynamical Ice sheets

Scientific input to:

  • WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes

Expertise: Earth system modelling (focus on ocean and ice sheet modelling)

The Potsdam Institut fuer Klimafolgenforschung is a non-profit research institute addressing crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development. 

  • Co-lead WP13 Assessment of robust and resilient climate action

Scientific input to 

  • WP10 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
  • WP14 Operationalisation of the Paris Agreement: bringing policy and science together and sharing knowledge with the public

Expertise: Integrated Assessment models | Reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle models

The University of Leeds is one of the largest universities in the UK. It includes  the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, which conducts research into climate change, weather, atmospheric composition, paleo-climate and impacts on our planet and society. Leeds is developing advanced Earth System Modelling (UKESM) in partnership with the Met Office and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded centres. 

  • Co-lead CT1  Improving processes realism in ESMs
  • Co-lead WP14 Operationalisation of the Paris Agreement: bringing policy and science together and sharing knowledge with the public

Scientific input to:

  • WP1 Atmosphere processes
  • WP15 Education and Vocational training

Expertise: Earth system modelling | Science-policy dialogue

Between observation infrastructures and users, Mercator Ocean International is a non-profit company which ensures the continuity from research to oceanographic operational services.

Scientific input to:

  • WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes

Expertise: Earth system modelling (focus on high-resolution ocean modelling)

The Met Office is the national meteorological agency for the United Kingdom and contains the Hadley Centre which is a world-leading centre acting as a focus in the United Kingdom for Climate Science.

  • Co-lead CT2  Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
  • Co-lead WP1 Atmosphere processes
  • Co-lead WP4/5 Coupled CH4 cycle
  • Lead XCA2 Coordinated and demonstration simulations

Scientific input to:

  • WP2 Land processes
  • WP10 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
  • WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models

Expertise: Earth system modelling

The Université libre de Bruxelles is one of the largest research universities in Belgium. It includes the Biogeochemistry and Earth System Modeling (BGEOSYS) research unit which is one of the world leaders in the global-scale quantification of greenhouse gas emissions along the aquatic land-ocean continuum.

  • Co-lead WP6/7 Coupled Nitrogen cycle

Scientific input to:

  • WP2 Land processes

Expertise: Earth system modelling  (focus on the land-ocean continuum)

The Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich is the leading Swiss university in the areas of natural sciences and engineering. The Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH Zurich has long and wide-ranging expertise in atmospheric physics and chemistry, climate research, and hydrology.

Scientific input to:

  • WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models

Expertise: Model evaluation | Machine Learning | Feedback analysis

The Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique is a theoretical and applied research center, specialized in modeling and numerical simulation. The centre specializes in high performance computing.

  • Co-lead WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models

Scientific input to:

  • WP10 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
  • WP13 Assessment of robust and resilient climate action
  • XCA3 Feedback and uncertainty analysis

Expertise: Model evaluation | Machine Learning | Feedback analysis

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique is a government-funded research organisation. The Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) is a consortium of 9 research laboratories whose research topics concern climate and the global environment. IPSL also hosts the IPSL Climate Modelling Centre (IPSL-CMC).

  • Co-lead WP2 Land processes

Scientific input to:

  • WP1 Atmosphere processes
  • WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes
  • WP6/7 Coupled Nitrogen cycle
  • WP10 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components

Expertise: Earth system modelling

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique is a government-funded research organisation. The Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement  is a public research laboratory in Earth and Environmental Sciences. It conducts research on climate, the water cycle, cryosphere and natural and anthropized environments.

  • Co-lead WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes
  • Co-lead WP8/9 Coupled Dynamical Ice sheets

Expertise: Earth system modelling  (focus on ice sheet modelling)

The Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Environment. SMHI offers products and services that provide organisations with important environmental information to support decision making. The main fields include weather and climate forecasts/projections, industry-specific services, simulations, and analyses. 

  • Lead XCA 1 Model evaluation

Scientific input to:

  • WP1 Atmosphere processes
  • WP2 Land processes
  • WP3 Ocean, Marine biogeochemistry and Cryosphere processes
  • WP4/5 Coupled CH4 cycle
  • WP6/7 Coupled Nitrogen cycle

Expertise: Model evaluation | Machine Learning | Feedback analysis

The University of Melbourne is a public research university in Australia. The Climate & Energy College, is part of the School of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne. The Climate & Energy College has a long-ranging experience in climate modelling, international UNFCCC negotiations, energy transition modelling and currently houses the development team of the MAGICC reduced complexity model.

  • Co-lead WP11/12 Improving reduced-complexity carbon-cycle and climate models

Scientific input to:

  • WP13 Assessment of robust and resilient climate action

Expertise: Reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle models




CICERO, located on the campus of the University of Oslo, is an applied research center for physical climate science and climate policy. The center is an inter-disciplinary hub to produce original climate research and translate findings into actionable climate policy.

  • Co-lead WP11/12
  • Co-lead XCA3
  • Lead perturbed ensemble uncertainty efforts across institutions in ESM2025

Scientific input to:

  • WP10 Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
  • WP13 Assessment of robust and resilient climate action

Expertise: Model evaluation | Machine Learning | Feedback analysis | Reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle model analysis

UHAM is the largest research and educational institution in Northern Germany and one of the largest German Universities with currently more than 40.000 students and more than 650 professors. Universitaet Hamburg hosts the German national Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS) – a long-term program spanning the range from basic research on climate dynamics and climate-related social dynamics to the transdisciplinary exploration of human-environment interactions.

  • Co-lead CT2

Scientific input to:

  • WP3 Ocean, marine biogeochemistry and cryosphere processes
  • WP5 Improved modelling framework for simulating emissions-driven CH4 cycle
  • WP7 Improved modelling framework for simulating interactive nitrogen cycle

Expertise: Model evaluation | Machine Learning | Feedback analysis | Reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle model analysis