A perspective on the next generation of Earth system model scenarios: towards representative emission pathways (REPs)

Malte Meinshausen, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Kathleen Beyer, Greg Bodeker, Olivier Boucher, Josep G. Canadell, John S. Daniel, Aïda Diongue-Niang, Fatima Driouech, Erich Fischer, Piers Forster, Michael Grose, Gerrit Hansen, Zeke Hausfather, Tatiana Ilyina, Jarmo S. Kikstra, Joyce Kimutai, Andrew D. King, June-Yi Lee, Chris Lennard, Tabea Lissner, Alexander Nauels, Glen P. Peters, Anna Pirani, Gian-Kasper Plattner, Hans Pörtner, Joeri Rogelj, Maisa Rojas, Joyashree Roy, Bjørn H. Samset, Benjamin M. Sanderson, Roland Séférian, Sonia Seneviratne, Christopher J. Smith, Sophie Szopa, Adelle Thomas, Diana Urge-Vorsatz, Guus J. M. Velders, Tokuta Yokohata, Tilo Ziehn, Zebedee Nicholls


Geoscientific Model Development

Physical inconsistencies in the representation of the ocean heat-carbon nexus in simple climate models

Roland Séférian, Thomas Bossy, Thomas Gasser, Zebedee Nichols, Kalyn Dorheim, Xuanming Su, Junichi Tsutsui, Yeray Santana-Falcón


Communications Earth & Environment

Solar radiation modification challenges decarbonization with renewable solar energy

Susanne Baur, Benjamin M. Sanderson, Roland Séférian, Laurent Terray


Earth System Dynamics

Global patterns of tree wood density

Hui Yang, Siyuan Wang, Rackhun Son, Hoontaek Lee, Vitus Benson, Weijie Zhang, Yahai Zhang, Yuzhen Zhang, Jens Kattge, Gerhard Boenisch, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Zbigniew Karaszewski, Krzysztof Stereńczak, Álvaro Moreno-Martínez, Cristina Nabais, Philippe Birnbaum, Ghislain Vieilledent, Ulrich Weber, Nuno Carvalhais


Global Change Biology

Quantification of hydraulic trait control on plant hydrodynamics and risk of hydraulic failure within a demographic structured vegetation model in a tropical forest (FATES–HYDRO V1.0)

Chonggang Xu, Bradley Christoffersen, Zachary Robbins, Ryan Knox, Rosie A. Fisher, Rutuja Chitra-Tarak, Martijn Slot, Kurt Solander, Lara Kueppers, Charles Koven, Nate McDowell


Geoscientific Model Development

Dynamic ecosystem assembly and escaping the “fire-trap” in the tropics: Insights from FATES_15.0.0

Jacquelyn K. Shuman, Rosie A. Fisher, Charles Koven, Ryan Knox, Lara Kueppers, Chonggang Xu


Geoscientific Model Development

Tree crown damage and its effects on forest carbon cycling in a tropical forest

Jessica F. Needham, Gabriel Arellano, Stuart J. Davies, Rosie A. Fisher, Valerie Hammer, Ryan G. Knox, David Mitre, Helene C. Muller-Landau, Daniel Zuleta, Charlie D. Koven


Global Change Biology

Coordination of rooting, xylem, and stomatal strategies explains the response of conifer forest stands to multi-year drought in the southern Sierra Nevada of California

Junyan Ding, Polly Buotte, Roger Bales, Bradley Christoffersen, Rosie A. Fisher, Michael Goulden, Ryan Knox, Lara Kueppers, Jacquelyn Shuman, Chonggang Xu, Charles D. Koven



Consistency of global carbon budget between concentration- and emission-driven historical experiments simulated by CMIP6 Earth system models and suggestion for improved simulation of CO2 concentration

Tomohiro Hajima, Michio Kawamiya, Akihiko Ito, Kaoru Tachiiri, Chris Jones, Vivek Arora, Victor Brovkin, Roland Séférian, Spencer Liddicoat, Pierre Friedlingstein, Elena Shevliakova



Bringing it all together: Science and modelling priorities to support international climate policy

Colin Gareth Jones, Fanny Adloff, Ben Booth, Peter Cox, Veronika Eyring, Pierre Friedlingstein, Katja Frieler, Helene Hewitt, Hazel Jeffery, Sylvie Joussaume, Torben Koenigk, Bryan N. Lawrence, Eleanor O'Rourke, Malcolm Roberts, Benjamin Sanderson, Roland Séférian, Samuel Somot, Pier-Luigi Vidale, Detlef van Vuuren, Mario Acosta, Mats Bentsen, Raffaele Bernardello, Richard Betts, Ed Blockley, Julien Boé, Tom Bracegirdle, Pascale Braconnot, Victor Brovkin, Carlo Buontempo, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, Markus G. Donat, Italo Epicoco, Pete Falloon, Sandro Fiore, Thomas Froelicher, Neven Fuckar, Matthew Gidden, Helge Goessling, Rune Grand Graversen, Silvio Gualdi, Jose Manuel Gutiérrez, Tatiana Ilyina, Daniela Jacob, Chris Jones, Martin Juckes, Elizabeth Kendon, Erik Kjellström, Reto Knutti, Jason A. Lowe, Matthew Mizielinski, Paola Nassisi, Michael Obersteiner, Pierre Regnier, Romain Roehrig, David Salas y Melia, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Michael Schulz, Enrico Scoccimarro, Laurent Terray, Hannes Thiemann, Richard Wood, Shuting Yang, Sönke Zaehle



Assessing the size and uncertainty of remaining carbon budgets

Robin D. Lamboll, Zebedee R. J. Nicholls, Christopher J. Smith, Jarmo S. Kikstra, Edward Byers, Joeri Rogelj


Nature Climate Change

The zero emissions commitment and climate stabilisation

Sofia Palazzo Corner, Martin Siegert, Paulo Ceppi, Baylor Fox-Kemper,Thomas L. Frölicher, Angela Gallego-Sala, Joanna Haigh, Gabriele C. Heger, Chris D. Jones, Reto Knutti, Charles D. Koven, Andrew H. MacDougall, Malte Meinshausen, Zebedee Nicholls, Jean Baptiste Sallée, Benjamin M. Sanderson, Roland Séférian, Merritt Turetsky, Richard G. Williams, Sönke Zaehle, Joeri Rogelj


Frontiers in Science

Net-zero approaches must consider Earth system impacts to achieve climate goals

Kirsten Zickfeld, Alexander J. MacIsaac, Josep G. Canadell, Sabine Fuss, Robert B. Jackson, Chris D. Jones, Annalea Lohila, H. Damon Matthews, Glen P. Peters, Joeri Rogelj & Sönke Zaehle


Nature Climate Change

Substantial reductions in non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions reductions implied by IPCC estimates of the remaining carbon budget

Joeri Rogelj, Robin D. Lamboll


Communications Earth & Environment

A synthesis of global coastal ocean greenhouse gas fluxes

L. Resplandy, A. Hogikyan, J. D. Müller, R. G. Najjar, H. W. Bange, D. Bianchi, T. Weber, W.-J. Cai, S. C. Doney, K. Fennel, M. Gehlen, J. Hauck, F. Lacroix, P. Landschützer, C. Le Quéré, A. Roobaert, J. Schwinger, S. Berthet, L. Bopp, T. T. T. Chau, M. Dai, N. Gruber, T. Ilyina, A. Kock, M. Manizza, Z. Lachkar, G. G. Laruelle, E. Liao, I. D. Lima, C. Nissen, C. Rödenbeck, R. Séférian, K. Toyama, H. Tsujino, P. Regnier


Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Integration of a deep-learning-based fire model into a global land surface model

Rackhun Son, Tobias Stacke, Veronika Gayler, Julia E. M. S. Nabel, Reiner Schnur, Lazaro Alonso, Christian Requena-Mesa, Alexander J. Winkler, Stijn Hantson, Sönke Zaehle, Ulrich Weber, Nuno Carvalhais


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Carbon cycle feedbacks in an idealized simulation and a scenario simulation of negative emissions in CMIP6 Earth system models

Ali Asaadi, Jörg Schwinger, Hanna Lee, Jerry Tjiputra, Vivek Arora, Roland Séférian, Spencer Liddicoat, Tomohiro Hajima, Yeray Santana-Falcón, Chris D. Jones



Simulations of ocean deoxygenation in the historical era : insights from forced and coupled models

Yohei Takano, Tatiana Ilyina, Jerry Tjiputra, Yassir A. Eddebbar, Sarah Berthet, Laurent Bopp, Erik Buitenhuis, Momme Butenschön, James R. Christian, John P. Dunne, Matthias Gröger, Hakase Hayashida, Jenny Hieronymus,Torben Koenigk, John P. Krasting, Mathew C. Long, Tomas Lovato, Hideyuki Nakano, Julien Palmieri, Jörg Schwinger, Roland Séférian, Parvadha Suntharalingam, Hiroaki Tatebe, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Shogo Urakawa, Michio Watanabe, Andrew Yool


Frontiers in Science

The Zero Emissions Commitment and climate stabilization

Sofia Palazzo Corner, Martin Siegert, Paulo Ceppi, Baylor Fox-Kemper, Thomas L. Frölicher, Angela Gallego-Sala, Joanna Haigh, Gabriele C. Hegerl, Chris D. Jones, Reto Knutti, Charles D. Koven, Andrew H. MacDougall, Malte Meinshausen, Zebedee Nicholls, Jean Baptiste Sallée, Benjamin M. Sanderson, Roland Séférian, Merritt Turetsky, Richard G. Williams, Sönke Zaehle, Joeri Rogelj


Frontiers in Science

Projected changes in land carbon store over the 21st century: what contributions from land-use change and atmospheric nitrogen deposition?

Jaime Andres Riano Sanchez, Nicolas Vuichard, Philippe Peylin


Eart System Dynamics

High-end projections of Southern Ocean warming and Antarctic ice shelf melting in conditions typical of the end of the 23rd century

Pierre Mathiot, Nicolas C. Jourdain


Ocean Science

Insights on the vulnerability of Antarctic glaciers from the ISMIP6 ice sheet model ensemble and associated uncertainty

Hélène Seroussi, Vincent Verjans, Sophie Nowicki, Antony J. Payne, Heiko Goelzer, William H. Lipscomb, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Cécile Agosta, Torsten Albrecht, Xylar Asay-Davis, Alice Barthel, Reinhard Calov, Richard Cullather, Christophe Dumas, Benjamin K. Galton-Fenzi, Rupert Gladstone, Nicholas R. Golledge, Jonathan M. Gregory, Ralf Greve, Tore Hattermann, Matthew J. Hoffman, Angelika Humbert, Philippe Huybrechts, Nicolas C. Jourdain, Thomas Kleiner, Eric Larour, Gunter R. Leguy, Daniel P. Lowry, Chistopher M. Little, Mathieu Morlighem, Frank Pattyn, Tyler Pelle, Stephen F. Price, Aurélien Quiquet, Ronja Reese, Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel, Andrew Shepherd, Erika Simon, Robin S. Smith, Fiammetta Straneo, Sainan Sun, Luke D. Trusel, Jonas Van Breedam, Peter Van Katwyk, Roderik S. W. van de Wal, Ricarda Winkelmann, Chen Zhao, Tong Zhang, Thomas Zwinger


The Cryosphere

Emulating present and future simulations of melt rates at the base of Antarctic ice shelves with neural networks

C. Burgard, N. C. Jourdain, P. Mathiot, R. S. Smith, R. Schäfer, J. Caillet, T. S. Finn, J. E. Johnson


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

climate-driven changes of water table depth in the world's major
groundwater basins

Maya Costantini, Jeanne Colin, Bertrand Decharme


Earth's Future

A study of dominant vegetation phenology in a Sphagnum mountain peatland using in situ and Sentinel-2 observations

Raphael Garisoain, Christine Delire, Bertrand Decharme, Sylvain Ferrant, Franck Granouillac, Virginie Payre-Suc, Laure Gandois


Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

National contributions to climate change due to historical emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide since 1850

Matthew W. Jones, Glen P. Peters, Thomas Gasser, Robbie M. Andrew, Clemens Schwingshackl, Johannes Gütschow, Richard A. Houghton, Pierre Friedlingstein, Julia Pongratz, Corinne Le Quéré


Scientific Data

Harmonising the land-use flux estimates of global models and national inventories for 2000–2020

Giacomo Grassi, Clemens Schwingshackl, Thomas Gasser, Richard A. Houghton, Stephen Sitch, Josep G. Canadell, Alessandro Cescatti, Philippe Ciais, Sandro Federici, Pierre Friedlingstein, Werner A. Kurz, Maria J. Sanz Sanchez, Raúl Abad Viñas, Ramdane Alkama, Selma Bultan, Guido Ceccherini, Stefanie Falk, Etsushi Kato, Daniel Kennedy, Jürgen Knauer, Anu Korosuo, Joana Melo, Matthew J. McGrath, Julia E. M. S. Nabel, Benjamin Poulter, Anna A. Romanovskaya, Simone Rossi, Hanqin Tian, Anthony P. Walker, Wenping Yuan, Xu Yue, Julia Pongratz


Earth System Science Data

Global estimation of the eddy kinetic energy dissipation from a diagnostic energy balance

Romain Torres, Robin Waldman, Julian Mak, Roland Séférian


Geophysical Research Letters

Irreversible loss in marine ecosystem habitability after a temperature overshoot

Yeray Santana-Falcón, Akitomo Yamamoto, Andrew Lenton, Chris D. Jones, Friedrich A. Burger, Jasmin G. John, Jerry Tjiputra, Jörg Schwinger, Michio Kawamiya, Thomas L. Frölicher, Tilo Ziehn, Roland Séférian


Communications Earth & Environment

Using free air CO2 enrichment data to constrain land surface model projections of the terrestrial carbon cycle

Nina Raoult, Louis-Axel Edouard-Rambaut, Nicolas Vuichard, Vladislav Bastrikov, Anne Sofie Lansø, Bertrand Guenet, Philippe Peylin



Credibility gap in net-zero climate targets leaves world at high risk

Joeri Rogelj, Taryn Fransen, Michel G. J. Den Elzen, Robin D. Lamboll, Clea Schumer, Takeshi Kuramochi, Frederic Hans, Silke Mooldijk, Joana Portugal-Pereira



Preparing for a post-net-zero world

Andrew D. King, Jacqueline Peel, Tilo Ziehn, Kathryn J. Bowen, Harry L. O. McClelland, Celia McMichael, Zebedee R. J. Nicholls, J. M. Kale Sniderman


Nature Climate Change

High-end projections of Southern Ocean warming and Antarctic ice shelf melting in conditions typical of the end of the 23rd century

Pierre Mathiot, Nicolas C. Jourdain



Anthropogenic-driven perturbations on nitrogen cycles and interactions with climate changes

Cheng Gong, Sian Kou-Giesbrecht, Sönke Zaehle


Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry

Cloud properties and their projected changes in CMIP models with low to high climate sensitivity

Lisa Bock, Axel Lauer


Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Increasing riverine export of dissolved organic carbon from China

Yanzi Yan, Ronny Lauerwald, Xuhui Wang, Pierre Regnier, Philippe Ciais, Lishan Ran, Yuanyi Gao, Ling Huang, Yao Zhang, Zheng Duan, Fabrice Papa, Bing Yu, Shilong Piao


Global Change Biology

Climate-driven variability of the Southern Ocean CO2 sink

Mayot N., Le Quéré C., Rödenbeck C., Bernardello R., Bopp L., Djeutchouang L. M., Gehlen M., Gregor L., Gruber N., Hauck J., Iida Y., Ilyina T., Keeling R. F., Landschützer P., Manning A. C., Patara L., Resplandy L., Schwinger J., Séférian R., Watson A. J., Wright R. M., Zeng J.


Philosophical Transcations of the Royal Society

Net zero targets in science and policy

Joeri Rogelj


Environmental Research Letters

Improving Antarctic Bottom Water precursors in NEMO for climate applications

Katherine Hutchinson, Julie Deshayes, Christian Éthé, Clément Rousset, Casimir de Lavergne, Martin Vancoppenolle, Nicolas C. Jourdain, Pierre Mathiot


Geoscientific Model Development

Coastal vegetation and estuaries are collectively a greenhouse gas sink

Judith A. Rosentreter, Goulven G. Laruelle, Hermann W. Bange, Thomas S. Bianchi, Julius J. M. Busecke, Wei-Jun Cai, Bradley D. Eyre, Inke Forbrich, Eun Young Kwon, Taylor Maavara, Nils Moosdorf, Raymond G. Najjar, V. V. S. S. Sarma, Bryce Van Dam, Pierre Regnier


Nature Climate Change

Inland Water Greenhouse Gas Budgets for RECCAP2: 2. Regionalization and Homogenization of Estimates

Ronny Lauerwald, George H. Allen, Bridget R. Deemer, Shaoda Liu, Taylor Maavara, Peter Raymond, Lewis Alcott, David Bastviken, Adam Hastie, Meredith A. Holgerson, Matthew S. Johnson, Bernhard Lehner, Peirong Lin, Alessandra Marzadri, Lishan Ran, Hanqin Tian, Xiao Yang, Yuanzhi Yao, Pierre Regnier


Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Inland Water Greenhouse Gas Budgets for RECCAP2: 1. State-Of-The-Art of Global Scale Assessments

Ronny Lauerwald, George H. Allen, Bridget R. Deemer, Shaoda Liu, Taylor Maavara, Peter Raymond, Lewis Alcott, David Bastviken, Adam Hastie, Meredith A. Holgerson, Matthew S. Johnson, Bernhard Lehner, Peirong Lin, Alessandra Marzadri, Lishan Ran, Hanqin Tian, Xiao Yang, Yuanzhi Yao, Pierre Regnier


Global Biogeochemical Cycles

River ecosystem metabolism and carbon biogeochemistry in a changing world

Alizée Roobaert, Laure Resplandy, Goulven G. Laruelle, Enhui Liao, Pierre Regnier



A framework to evaluate and elucidate the driving mechanisms of coastal sea surface pCO2 seasonality using an ocean general circulation model (MOM6-COBALT)

Alizée Roobaert, Laure Resplandy, Goulven G. Laruelle, Enhui Liao, Pierre Regnier


Ocean Sci.

Estimating the lateral transfer of organic carbon through the European river network using a land surface model

Haicheng Zhang, Ronny Lauerwald, Pierre Regnier, Philippe Ciais, Kristof Van Oost, Victoria Naipal, Bertrand Guenet, Wenping Yuan


Earth System Dynamics

The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report WGIII climate assessment of mitigation pathways: from emissions to global temperatures

Jarmo S. Kikstra, Zebedee R. J. Nicholls, Christopher J. Smith, Jared Lewis, Robin D. Lamboll, Edward Byers, Marit Sandstad, Malte Meinshausen, Matthew J. Gidden, Joeri Rogelj, Elmar Kriegler, Glen P. Peters, Jan S. Fuglestvedt, Ragnhild B. Skeie, Bjørn H. Samset, Laura Wienpahl, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Kaj-Ivar van der Wijst, Alaa Al Khourdajie, Piers M. Forster, Andy Reisinger, Roberto Schaeffer, Keywan Riahi


Geoscientific Model Development

Carbon Fluxes in the Coastal Ocean: Synthesis, Boundary Processes, and Future Trends

Minhan Dai, Jianzhong Su, Yangyang Zhao, Eileen E. Hofmann, Zhimian Cao, Wei-Jun Cai, Jianping Gan, Fabrice Lacroix, Goulven G. Laruelle, Feifei Meng, Jens Daniel Müller, Pierre A.G. Regnier, Guizhi Wang, Zhixuan Wang


Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Estimating the lateral transfer of organic carbon through the European river network using a land surface model

Haicheng Zhang, Ronny Lauerwald, Pierre Regnier, Philippe Ciais, Kristof Van Oost, Victoria Naipal, Bertrand Guenet, Wenping Yuan


Earth System Dynamics

Ocean barotropic vorticity balances: Theory and application to numerical models

Robin Waldman, Hervé Giordani


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

How does the phytoplankton–light feedback affect the marine N2O inventory?

Sarah Berthet, Julien Jouanno, Roland Séférian, Marion Gehlen, and William Llovel


Earth System Dynamics

Global surface ocean acidification indicators from 1750 to 2100

Li-Qing Jiang, John Dunne, Brendan R. Carter, Jerry F. Tjiputra, Jens Terhaar, Jonathan D. Sharp, Are Olsen, Simone Alin, Dorothee C. E. Bakker, Richard A. Feely, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Patrick Hogan, Tatiana Ilyina, Nico Lange, Siv K. Lauvset, Ernie R. Lewis, Tomas Lovato, Julien Palmieri, Yeray Santana-Falcón, Jörg Schwinger, Roland Séférian, Gary Strand, Neil Swart, Toste Tanhua, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Rik Wanninkhof, Michio Watanabe, Akitomo Yamamoto, Tilo Ziehn


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Northern-high-latitude permafrost and terrestrial carbon response to two solar geoengineering scenarios

Yangxin Chen, Duoying Ji, Qian Zhang, John C. Moore, Olivier Boucher, Andy Jones, Thibaut Lurton, Michael J. Mills, Ulrike Niemeier, Roland Séférian, and Simone Tilmes


Earth System Dynamics

Modern air-sea flux distributions reduce uncertainty in the future ocean carbon sink

Galen A McKinley, Val Bennington, Malte Meinshausen and Zebedee Nicholls


Environmental Research Letters

Uncertain effectiveness of Miscanthus bioenergy expansion for climate change mitigation explored using land surface, agronomic and integrated assessment models

Emma W. Littleton, Anita Shepherd, Anna B. Harper, Astley F. S. Hastings, Naomi E. Vaughan, Jonathan Doelman, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Timothy M. Lenton


GCB Bioenergy

The representation of alkalinity and the carbonate pump from CMIP5 to CMIP6 Earth system models and implications for the carbon cycle

Alban Planchat, Lester Kwiatkowski, Laurent Bopp, Olivier Torres, James R. Christian, Momme Butenschön, Tomas Lovato, Roland Séférian, Matthew A. Chamberlain, Olivier Aumont, Michio Watanabe, Akitomo Yamamoto, Andrew Yool, Tatiana Ilyina, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Kristen M. Krumhardt, Jörg Schwinger, Jerry Tjiputra, John P. Dunne, and Charles Stock



Including filter-feeding gelatinous macrozooplankton in a global marine biogeochemical model: model–data comparison and impact on the ocean carbon cycle

Corentin Clerc, Laurent Bopp, Fabio Benedetti, Meike Vogt, and Olivier Aumont



Global analysis of the controls on seawater dimethylsulfide spatial variability

George Manville, Thomas G. Bell, Jane P. Mulcahy, Rafel Simó, Martí Galí, Anoop S. Mahajan, Shrivardhan Hulswar, and Paul R. Halloran



The Sensitivity of the Marine Carbonate System to Regional Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

Daniel Jonathan Burt, Friederike Fröb, Tatiana Ilyina


Frontiers in Climate

Evaluation of ocean dimethylsulfide concentration and emission in CMIP6 models

Bock, J., Michou, M., Nabat, P., Abe, M., Mulcahy, J. P., Olivié, D. J. L., Schwinger, J., Suntharalingam, P., Tjiputra, J., van Hulten, M., Watanabe, M., Yool, A., and Séférian, R.



The ICON Earth System Model Version 1.0

Johann H Jungclaus, Stephan J. Lorenz Hauke Schmidt, Oliver Gutjahr, Helmuth Haak, Carolin Mehlmann, Uwe Mikolajewicz Dirk Notz, Dian Putrashan, Jin-Song von Storch, Linardakis Leonidas, Victor Brokvin, Fatemeh Chegini, Veronika Gayler, Marco A. Giorgetta, Stefan Hagemann, Tatiana Ilyina, Peter Korn, Jürgen Kröger


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Effects of extreme meteorological conditions in 2018 on European methane emissions estimated using atmospheric inversions

R. Thompson, C. G. Groot Zwaaftink, D. Brunner, A. Tsuruta, T. Aalto, M. Raivonen, M. Crippa, E. Solazzo, D. Guizzardi, P. Régnier, M. Maisonnier


Philosophic Transactions of the Royal Society A

Stratospheric ozone response to sulfate aerosol and solar dimming climate interventions based on the G6 Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) simulations

Tilmes​​​​​​​, S., Visioni, D., Jones, A., Haywood, J., Séférian, R., Nabat, P., Boucher, O., Bednarz, E. M., and Niemeier, U.


Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Multi-century dynamics of the climate and carbon cycle under both high and net negative emissions scenarios

Koven, C. D., Arora, V. K., Cadule, P., Fisher, R. A., Jones, C. D., Lawrence, D. M., Lewis, J., Lindsay, K., Mathesius, S., Meinshausen, M., Mills, M., Nicholls, Z., Sanderson, B. M., Séférian, R., Swart, N. C., Wieder, W. R., and Zickfeld, K.


Earth System Dynamics

Impact of bioenergy crop expansion on climate–carbon cycle feedbacks in overshoot scenarios

Melnikova, I., Boucher, O., Cadule, P., Tanaka, K., Gasser, T., Hajima, T., Quilcaille, Y., Shiogama, H., Séférian, R., Tachiiri, K., Vuichard, N., Yokohata, T., and Ciais, P.


Earth System Dynamics

Tripling of western US particulate pollution from wildfires in a warming climate

Xie, Y., M. Lin, B. Decharme, C. Delire, L. W. Horowitz, D. M. Lawrence, F. Li, and R. Séférian


Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences

The land-to-ocean loops of the global carbon cycle

Pierre Regnier, Laure Resplandy, Raymond G. Najjar and Philippe Ciais



Nitrogen cycle impacts on CO2 fertilisation and climate forcing of land carbon stores

Chris Huntingford, Eleanor J. Burke, Chris D Jones, Elizabeth S Jeffers and Andrew J. Wiltshire


Environmental Research Letters

Assessing Model Predictions of Carbon Dynamics in Global Drylands

Fawcett D, Cunliffe AM, Sitch S, O’Sullivan M, Anderson K, Brazier RE, Hill TC, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Arora VK, Briggs PR, Goll DS, Jain AK, Li X, Lombardozzi D, Nabel JEMS, Poulter B, Séférian R, Tian H, Viovy N, Wigneron J-P Wiltshire A and Zaehle S


Frontiers in Environmental Science

Global Carbon Budget 2021

Friedlingstein, P., Jones, M. W., O’Sullivan, M., Andrew, R. M., Bakker, D. C. E., Hauck, J., Le Quéré, C., Peters, G. P., Peters, W., Pongratz, J., Sitch, S., Canadell, J. G., Ciais, P., Jackson, R. B., Alin, S. R., Anthoni, P., Bates, N. R., Becker, M., Bellouin, N., Bopp, L., Chau, T. T. T., Chevallier, F., Chini, L. P., Cronin, M., Currie, K. I., Decharme, B., Djeutchouang, L. M., Dou, X., Evans, W., Feely, R. A., Feng, L., Gasser, T., Gilfillan, D., Gkritzalis, T., Grassi, G., Gregor, L., Gruber, N., Gürses, Ö., Harris, I., Houghton, R. A., Hurtt, G. C., Iida, Y., Ilyina, T., Luijkx, I. T., Jain, A., Jones, S. D., Kato, E., Kennedy, D., Klein Goldewijk, K., Knauer, J., Korsbakken, J. I., Körtzinger, A., Landschützer, P., Lauvset, S. K., Lefèvre, N., Lienert, S., Liu, J., Marland, G., McGuire, P. C., Melton, J. R., Munro, D. R., Nabel, J. E. M. S., Nakaoka, S.-I., Niwa, Y., Ono, T., Pierrot, D., Poulter, B., Rehder, G., Resplandy, L., Robertson, E., Rödenbeck, C., Rosan, T. M., Schwinger, J., Schwingshackl, C., Séférian, R., Sutton, A. J., Sweeney, C., Tanhua, T., Tans, P. P., Tian, H., Tilbrook, B., Tubiello, F., van der Werf, G. R., Vuichard, N., Wada, C., Wanninkhof, R., Watson, A. J., Willis, D., Wiltshire, A. J., Yuan, W., Yue, C., Yue, X., Zaehle, S., and Zeng, J.


Earth System Science

Description and Evaluation of an Emission-Driven and Fully Coupled Methane Cycle in UKESM

G. A. Folberth, Z. Staniaszek, A. T. Archibald, N. Gedney, P. T. Griffiths, C. D. Jones, F. M. O’Connor, R. J. Parker, A. A. Sellar, A. Wiltshire


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Contrasting projections of the ENSO-driven CO2 flux variability in the equatorial Pacific under high-warming scenario

Vaittinada Ayar, P., Bopp, L., Christian, J. R., Ilyina, T., Krasting, J. P., Séférian, R., Tsujino, H., Watanabe, M., Yool, A., and Tjiputra, J.


Earth System Dynamics

Thawing Permafrost as a Nitrogen Fertiliser: Implications for Climate Feedbacks

Burke E, Chadburn S, Huntingford C.



Diazotrophy as a key driver of the response of marine net primary productivity to climate change

Bopp, L., Aumont, O., Kwiatkowski, L., Clerc, C., Dupont, L., Ethé, C., Gorgues, T., Séférian, R., and Tagliabue, A.



Climate change impacts the vertical structure of marine ecosystem thermal ranges

Yeray Santana-Falcón, Roland Séférian


Nature Climate Change

Modeling radiative and climatic effects of brown carbon aerosols with the ARPEGE-Climat global climate model

Drugé, T., Nabat, P., Mallet, M., Michou, M., Rémy, S., and Dubovik, O.


Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Uncertainty in land carbon budget simulated by terrestrial biosphere models: the role of atmospheric forcing

Lucas Hardouin, Christine Delire, Bertrand Decharme, David M Lawrence, Julia E M S Nabel, et al.


Environmental Research Letters

Seamless integration of the coastal ocean in global marine carbon cycle modeling

Mathis, M., Logemann, K., Maerz, J., Lacroix, F., Hagemann, S., Chegini, F., et al.


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Mismatch of N release from the permafrost and vegetative uptake opens pathways of increasing nitrous oxide emissions in the high Arctic

Fabrice Lacroix, Sönke Zaehle, Silvia Caldararu, Jörg Schaller, Peter Stimmler, David Holl, Lars Kutzbach, Mathias Göckede


Global Change Biology

An emission pathway classification reflecting the Paris Agreement climate objectives

Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Gaurav Ganti, Joeri Rogelj & Matthew J. Gidden


Communications Earth & Environment

Do Emergent Constraints on Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Hold in CMIP6?

Zechlau, S., Schlund, M., Cox, P. M., Friedlingstein, P., & Eyring, V.


Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Apportionment of the pre-industrial to present-day climate forcing by methane using UKESM1: The role of the cloud radiative effect

O’Connor, F. M., Johnson, B. T., Jamil, O., Andrews, T., Mulcahy, J. P., & Manners, J.


Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

An assessment of basal melt parameterisations for Antarctic ice shelves

Burgard, C., Jourdain, N. C., Reese, R., Jenkins, A., and Mathiot, P.


The Cryosphere

Potential for bias in effective climate sensitivity from state-dependent energetic imbalance

Sanderson, B. M. and Rugenstein, M.


Earth System Dynamics

Changes in IPCC Scenario Assessment Emulators Between SR1.5 and AR6 Unraveled

Nicholls, Z., Meinshausen, M., Lewis, J., Smith, C. J., Forster, P. M., Fuglestvedt, J. S., et al.


Geophysical Research Letters

Global changes alter the amount and composition of land carbon deliveries to European rivers and seas

Haicheng Zhang, Ronny Lauerwald, Philippe Ciais, Kristof van Oost, Bertrand Guenet, et al.


Communications Earth & Environment

Biogeophysical Effects of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Not Detectable in Warmest Month

Luke Grant, Lukas Gudmundsson, Edouard Davin, David Lawrence, Nicolas Vuichard, et al.


Journal of Climate

Evaluation of native Earth system model output with ESMValTool v2.6.0

Schlund, M., Hassler, B., Lauer, A., Andela, B., Jöckel, P., Kazeroni, R., Loosveldt Tomas, S., Medeiros, B., Predoi, V., Sénési, S., Servonnat, J., Stacke, T., Vegas-Regidor, J., Zimmermann, K., and Eyring, V.


Geoscientific Model Development

Global agricultural ammonia emissions simulated with the ORCHIDEE land surface model

Beaudor, M., Vuichard, N., Lathière, J., Evangeliou, N., Van Damme, M., Clarisse, L., and Hauglustaine, D.


Geoscientific Model Development

The consolidated European synthesis of CH4 and N2O emissions for the European Union and United Kingdom: 1990–2019

Ana Maria Roxana Petrescu, Chunjing Qiu, Matthew J. McGrath, Philippe Peylin, Glen P. Peters, Philippe Ciais, Rona L. Thompson, Aki Tsuruta, Dominik Brunner, Matthias Kuhnert, Bradley Matthews, Paul I. Palmer, Oksana Tarasova, Pierre Regnier, Ronny Lauerwald, David Bastviken, Lena Höglund-Isaksson, Wilfried Winiwarter, Giuseppe Etiope, Tuula Aalto, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Vladislav Bastrikov, Antoine Berchet, Patrick Brockmann, Giancarlo Ciotoli, Giulia Conchedda, Monica Crippa, Frank Dentener, Christine D. Groot Zwaaftink, Diego Guizzardi, Dirk Günther, Jean-Matthieu Haussaire, Sander Houweling, Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Massaer Kouyate, Adrian Leip, Antti Leppänen, Emanuele Lugato, Manon Maisonnier, Alistair J. Manning, Tiina Markkanen, Joe McNorton, Marilena Muntean, Gabriel D. Oreggioni, Prabir K. Patra, Lucia Perugini, Isabelle Pison, Maarit T. Raivonen, Marielle Saunois, Arjo J. Segers, Pete Smith, Efisio Solazzo, Hanqin Tian, Francesco N. Tubiello, Timo Vesala, Guido R. van der Werf, Chris Wilson, and Sönke Zaehle


Earth System Science Data

ICON-Sapphire: simulating the components of the Earth system and their interactions at kilometer and subkilometer scales

Cathy Hohenegger, Peter Korn, Leonidas Linardakis, René Redler, Reiner Schnur, Panagiotis Adamidis, Jiawei Bao, Swantje Bastin, Milad Behravesh, Martin Bergemann, Joachim Biercamp, Hendryk Bockelmann, Renate Brokopf, Nils Brüggemann, Lucas Casaroli, Fatemeh Chegini, George Datseris, Monika Esch, Geet George, Marco Giorgetta, Oliver Gutjahr, Helmuth Haak, Moritz Hanke, Tatiana Ilyina, Thomas Jahns, Johann Jungclaus, Marcel Kern, Daniel Klocke, Lukas Kluft, Tobias Kölling, Luis Kornblueh, Sergey Kosukhin, Clarissa Kroll, Junhong Lee, Thorsten Mauritsen, Carolin Mehlmann, Theresa Mieslinger, Ann Kristin Naumann, Laura Paccini, Angel Peinado, Divya Sri Praturi, Dian Putrasahan, Sebastian Rast, Thomas Riddick, Niklas Roeber, Hauke Schmidt, Uwe Schulzweida, Florian Schütte, Hans Segura, Radomyra Shevchenko, Vikram Singh, Mia Specht, Claudia Christine Stephan, Jin-Song von Storch, Raphaela Vogel, Christian Wengel, Marius Winkler, Florian Ziemen, Jochem Marotzke, and Bjorn Stevens


Geoscientific Model Development