Project structure
Project activities are divided into 4 core themes ranging from scientific activities to knowledge exchange and outreach.
The first 3 core themes (CT1, CT2 and CT3) are dedicated to research activities (from component development, process parameterisation, couplings, to interactions with the Integrated Assessment Modelling community); the 4th (CT4) is devoted to the dissemination and exchange of knowledge with stakeholders and the general public.
Interactions between the 4 core themes are facilitated by dedicated cross-cutting actions (XCA1, XCA2 and XCA3) and decision-making boards that link the different activities of the project to ensure their smooth running.

Improving processes realism in ESMs
WP1: Atmosphere processes
WP2: Land processes
WP3: Ocean, marine biogeochemistry and cryosphere processes
Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
WP5+WP5: Coupled CH4 cycle
WP6+WP7: Coupled Nitrogen cycle
WP8+WP9: Coupled Dynamical Ice sheets
Connecting with IAMs
WP10: Improving IAM-ESM land use representation
WP11+WP12: Improving reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle models
WP13: Assesment of robust climate mitigation options
Outreach, knowledge exchange and project management
WP14: Operationalisation of the Paris Agreement: Bringing policy and science together and sharing knoledge with the public
WP15: Education and vocational training
WP16: Project and data
WP17: Ethics requirements
Cross-cutting activity 2 - Coordinated and demonstration simulations
Cross-cutting activity 1 - Model evaluation