Core Theme 4 - Outreach, knowledge exchange and project management
This core theme (CT) addresses project coordination, management and communication as well as knowledge exchange between the project’s scientists and key stakeholders. It combines Work Packages 14, 15 and 16.
ESM2025 addresses the public-policy perspective of European Union (EU) Research & Innovation, supporting the operationalisation of the Paris Agreement. Within CT4, we will develop novel science-policy partnerships focused on the translation and application of the project findings into policy-relevant knowledge co-developed with policy and decision makers at the European, national, and sub-national level through regular workshops and briefings (WP14). We will also develop pedagogical material for primary school children, teachers, and teacher trainers, as well as hold a series of climate education events (WP15). CT4 is finally where the project management, coordination, and communication sit (WP16).
The objective of CT4 is to foster a better understanding of climate change science and Earth System modelling among key stakeholder communities and European citizens in general. Indeed, ESM2025, through the activities of CT4, aims to support the operationalisation of the Paris Agreement and to build the capacity of these stakeholders. The idea is to provide added value and actionable knowledge to policy and decision makers to guide the development of potential climate mitigation strategies, as well as to the education sector and, more broadly, to the European public to support the societal transformations needed to build a future net zero-carbon and climate resilient society.

Improving processes realism in ESMs
WP1: Atmosphere processes
WP2: Land processes
WP3: Ocean, marine biogeochemistry and cryosphere processes
Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
WP5+WP5: Coupled CH4 cycle
WP6+WP7: Coupled Nitrogen cycle
WP8+WP9: Coupled Dynamical Ice sheets
Connecting with IAMs
WP10: Improving IAM-ESM land use representation
WP11+WP12: Improving reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle models
WP13: Assesment of robust climate mitigation options
Outreach, knowledge exchange and project management
WP14: Operationalisation of the Paris Agreement: Bringing policy and science together and sharing knoledge with the public
WP15: Education and vocational training
WP16: Project and data
WP17: Ethics requirements
Cross-cutting activity 2 - Coordinated and demonstration simulations
Cross-cutting activity 1 - Model evaluation
CT4 Leaders

Roland Séférian
In ESM2025, I am the Project Coordinator of ESM2025 and co-leader of CT4 and WP16 (Project and Data Management) with Anna Vermunt. I will also participate in the outreach and knowledge exchange activities of WP14 and WP15 which are key activities of the ESM2025 project. In between, as an Earth system scientist of the CNRM-Cerfacs modelling group, I will contribute to scientific activities of CT1, especially in land surface and in ocean/marine biogeochemistry work packages (WP2, WP3), and to the scientific activities of WP4 and 5, involving the coupled model CNRM-ESM.

orane levert
I am the Project Manager of ESM2025, co-coordinating the project with Roland Séférian, the Scientific Coordinator. I am also the co-leader of CT4, which deals with communication activities as well as knowledge exchange between project scientists and key stakeholders, and WP16, a Work Package dealing with the overall project and data management. My role is to coordinate the consortium of partners and oversee the implementation of project activities. I also manage the administrative, financial and legal management of the project, the organisation of the project events, as well as the communication and dissemination activities of the results and actions of the ESM2025 to different audiences.

Mariana Rocha
In ESM2025, I am in charge of the scientific communication. I work on the production of new communication materials (e.g. scientific highlights and factsheets, policy briefings and videos) and support the design and implementation of most CT4 activities (e.g. ESM2025 general assemblies, public outreach, education activities, stakeholder and policy events, initiatives for Early Career Scientists). I contribute to the overall dissemination of the project results to different audiences. Furthermore, I am in charge of the ESM2025 website and community management on social networks.
Work Package 14
WP14 will develop and deliver new scientific knowledge to support a successful implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and inform initiatives developed through the European Green Deal. CT4 will develop an early and sustained engagement with stakeholders through workshops, briefings, and stakeholder meetings. Public engagement activities will also target a broad spectrum of audiences, along with WP15 activities that focus on youth education on Earth system science.
Work Package 15
WP15 develops novel climate-related educational support, teaching and training targeting teachers and the younger public. For this, WP15 will develop educational materials (lessons, multimedia animations, videos…) and dedicated event (summer universites) for primary and secondary schools on climate change with a specific focus on Earth system models.
Work Package 16
WP16 covers the coordination and management of the project as well as data management, internal communication between the different project members, but also external communication of ESM2025 activities. The overall objective of WP16 is to ensure that the ESM2025 project reaches all its objectives and delivers high quality outcomes, by ensuring a smooth and successful project management and coordination.