XCA2 - Coordinated and demonstration simulations
This cross-cutting activity (XCA) will coordinate the simulations necessary for ensuring the science performance of newly developed processes (from core theme 1 – CT1) and the process coupling and interactions (CT2) are well evaluated (XCA1) and the impacts of the new feedbacks assessed (XCA3). These simulations will be based on existing protocols from CMIP6, with developments where required to enable newly interactive components to be either run in emission-driven mode for CO2, CH4 and Nitrogen cycle or with interactive ice sheets.
Our ultimate goal is to design frontier simulations to showcase the new coupled capability developed by ESM2025.

Improving processes realism in ESMs
WP1: Atmosphere processes
WP2: Land processes
WP3: Ocean, marine biogeochemistry and cryosphere processes
Enabling and exploring new couplings between Earth system components
WP5+WP5: Coupled CH4 cycle
WP6+WP7: Coupled Nitrogen cycle
WP8+WP9: Coupled Dynamical Ice sheets
Connecting with IAMs
WP10: Improving IAM-ESM land use representation
WP11+WP12: Improving reduced complexity climate-carbon cycle models
WP13: Assesment of robust climate mitigation options
Outreach, knowledge exchange and project management
WP14: Operationalisation of the Paris Agreement: Bringing policy and science together and sharing knoledge with the public
WP15: Education and vocational training
WP16: Project and data
WP17: Ethics requirements
Cross-cutting activity 1 - Model evaluation
XCA Leader
Fiona O'Connor

Met Office Fellow and Scientific Manager, Met Office Hadley Centre - Exeter (UK)
I am a physicist by training and work as an atmospheric composition research scientist at the Met Office Hadley Centre, where I contribute to the development of the atmospheric composition component of the UK’s Earth System Model, UKESM. UKESM is applied to investigate the interactions between atmospheric composition and climate, i.e., how changes in emissions from anthropogenic activity, for example, impact on composition and climate, but also how changes in climate might impact on atmospheric composition and air quality.
In ESM2025
I lead cross-cuttin activity 2, et co-lead WP4/5.