Educational Resources from Climate Research Projects

In this page you will find a database of educational resources around Climate Science from EU climate research projects.

Many EU research projects currently working on research around climate science, climate modelling or climate change also produce valuable educational resources tailored for the classroom or to support teachers’ professional development. These resources can also greatly interest anyone wanting to learn more about climate science and climate change.

CRESCENDO (2015-2021) focused on increasing the scientific realism of 7 European Earth System Models through targeted improvements to a range of key processes.

  is a European network of Schools for Earth System Modelling and Climate Change created under the CRESCENDO project.

Type of Resources:  Student Initiatives | Climate Models Explained | Hands-on activities

Topics: IPCC | Climate Change | Climate Modelling

Languages: English

4C (2019-2023) addressed climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide emissions, by reducing the uncertainty in our quantitative understanding of carbon-climate interactions and feedbacks (focus on Carbon Cycle).

Type of Resources: Climate Science Explained  | Videos

Topics: Carbon cycle | Future socioeconomic scenarios for climate research

Languages: English

EEBIOMASS (2020-2025) focuses on  improving our understanding on the role of the land biosphere on the global carbon cycle, with clear implications in a context of climate change.

Type of Resources: Climate Science Explained  | Videos

Topics: Remote sensing | Land in the climate system | Forests

Languages: English

NextGems (2021-2025) is developing two next generation (storm-resolving) Earth-system Models to increase the realism of climate predictions for the next 30 years, ina  global and regional scale.

Type of Resources: Videos (Science explainers)

Topics: Climate modelling | Storm-resolving models

Languages: English

TRIATLAS (2019-2023) focused on predicting future changes of the South and Tropical Atlantic marine ecosystems, using observations, predictions and information on future socio-economic and ecosystem service changes.

Type of Resources: Factsheets | Video

Topics: Atlantic ecosystems | Observations and modelling | Fisheries

Languages: English | French | Portuguese

AGORA (2023-2025) focuses on promoting societal transformation processes in different social, economic and political contexts, and building a climate resilient Europe. This project will engage citizens, civil society organizations, academics, experts, policy-makers, entrepreneurs, and other relevant actors, in the co-design and co-creation of innovative and problem oriented climate adaptation solutions that could be extensively adopted in Europe.

Type of Resources:  Platform for exploring adaptation projects and case studies | Digital Academies

Topics: Climate change | Climate Risks | Adaptation solutions | Climate Change Disinformation

Languages: English

Provide (2021-2024) focuses on the risks of exceeding certain thresholds and links global emission pathways to regional sectoral impacts and urban climate risk projections.

Type of Resources: Climate Risk Dashboard

Topics: Climate change impacts and risks

Languages: English

RESCUE (2022-2026) investigates the potential response of the Earth system to implementing carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies, and designs new climate projection scenarios that include CDR options.

Type of Resources: Climate Science Explained

Topics: Carbon dioxide removal technologies

Languages: English

PROTECT (2020-2025) assesses and projects changes in the land-based cryosphere  in order to produce robust global, regional and local projections of sea-level rise on a range of timescales.

Type of Resources:  Educational games | Webinars | Videos | Multimedia applications

Topics: Glaciers | Ice Sheets | Sea-level Rise | Adaptation

Languages: English