We are organizing our first general assembly from the 7th to the 9th of June, hosted by the Sorbonne University at the Jussieu Campus, in Paris (France).
This first General Assembly (GA) of the project will be the first occasion for all project participants to meet in person. It will be a hybrid event, allowing also remote participants to take part in presentations and discussions.
Plenary presentations and poster sessions will provide a great opportunity to get the latest updates on ESM2025 research developments. Plenary sessions dedicated to the project outreach efforts (communication and education) will also take place throughout the GA.
For in-depth discussions on the progress of each work package (WP) and cross-WP exchanges, numerous breakout group sessions will take place during the three days of the GA.
Beyond discussion the project’s progress, this GA will also be the occasion for ESM2025’s first World Café Workshop to take place. This will be a stakeholder engagement event, where ESM2025 researchers (including Early Career Scientists) and various stakeholders will meet in an informal setting to discuss key questions on Earth system science that can provide relevant input to various sectors of the society. Carried out simultaneously in both english and french, this event will involve a variety of stakeholders, working in different institutions, such as the french Haut Conseil pour le Climat and the Département développement durable et numérique de France Stratégie, or the European Commission’s Climate Unit and OECD and EcoAct international organisations.
This workshop will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to keep up to date with climate change research, to directly benefit from its results and to influence future research developments. The key ideas drawn from this workshop will provide inspiration for new ESM2025 research developments tailored to fit stakeholder’s needs, as well as new perspectives on how to more efficiently convey ESM2025 research results to policy-makers, planners, businesses and the general public.