On Tuesday, December 13, 2022, “Météo et Climat”, an association (partner of ESM2025) chaired by the climatologist Jean Jouzel, is organising its 14th Scientific Day on “Understanding and appropriating the key messages of the 6th IPCC report”.
In anticipation of the publication of the 6th IPCC assessment report scheduled for early 2023, Météo et Climat is dedicating its 14th Scientific Day to analysing this report and how multiple stakeholders are already addressing it.
Bringing together various speakers, including several authors of the Group 1, 2 and 3 reports, the event aims to present the recent manifestations of climate change and its impacts on our societies and ecosystems, to raise citizens’ awareness of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to promote sobriety, to draw up an overview of adaptation solutions and to highlight the transformations underway to limit our environmental impacts.
After an introduction on the content of the report, the event will be structured around 3 round tables, each preceded by a keynote.
#1 Communicating on climate change
#2 Mitigating climate change
#3 Adapting to a changing climate
Scientists, local and national decision-makers, companies and non-governmental organisations will discuss how they are using the content of this report.
This event will take place at the Hôtel de l’Industrie in Paris, France and will also be accessible online upon prior registration (access to the livestream with a personal and unique code).
You can now register to attend the event in person or online.
About Scientific Days
Organised every year since 2008 by Météo et Climat, these days are an opportunity to bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss topics related to climate issues. The program design and the choice of speakers are assigned each year to a scientific committee composed of specialists in the topics addressed.
About Météo et Climat
Météo et Climat is a non-profit organisation founded in 1852 and chaired by the climatologist Jean Jouzel. As a platform for reflection, exchange and debate, Météo et Climat aims to promote and popularise the atmospheric and climate sciences through the organisation of various events (conferences, debates, exhibitions, prices etc.) and publications.