Science-policy partnership
ESM2025 aims to support the successful operationalisation of the Paris Agreement
We deliver usable knowledge and promote exchanges to guide decision- and policy-makers in the development of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies in line with the Paris Agreement.
We foster science-policy partnerships that will help shape our research in order to deliver policy-relevant knowledge on climate change, promoting effective action.
Policy briefings & reports
These are short summaries of policy-relevant knowledge based on the project’s main scientific advances. They are a result of the project’s Science-to-Policy forums and are reviewed and validated by topical experts to ensure they meet policy needs.
Climate Research Communication network
A communication network for Communication Officers, Project Managers, and Stakeholder Engagement leaders from EU climate research projects and/or research institutions. This network aims to increase the reach and impact of climate research.
World café workshops
Our World café workshops are annual workshops where ESM2025 reserchers engage with local stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities of realising the Paris Agreement.