The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Open Science Conference will be held on October 23-27, 2023 in Rwanda and online.
As part of this event, poster clusters are planned and will represent a very important part of the conference. Theses poster clusters are designed to bring together a community working on a specific topic. The aim is to help participants to organise their poster viewing and to provide a forum for discussion about the cluster topic.
Call for abstracts for poster clusters is open until February 28.
The ESM2025 team will be involved through the coordination of two poster clusters:
This poster cluster aims to bring together contributions from the community on the various demands surrounding the Earth system model development, and how these advances relate to climate policies (i.e., mitigation or adaptation needs).
So if you are working in Carbon Budget estimates or in Earth System Model development, do not hesitate any longer and submit your absract!